An in-depth look at Aloe Vera Natures Gift and how it is proven to support a healthy gut.

Aloe is naturally medicinal, Aloe is an amazing plant, and did you know there are over 400 species? But there is only one species that has been recognised for being particularly beneficial to humans and animals – Aloe Barbadensis Miller, which is known for its natural soothing, cooling, and moisturising abilities, and it’s the only one I use at home! Let's take a closer look at this incredible plant and all the benefits it can have.

The aloe vera plant has been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties. In fact, examples of aloe vera have been found in Egyptian tombs, the Bible, and infamous ancient Greek, Roman, Chinese, and Indian herbals texts, and of course not forgetting Cleopatra! But what makes aloe so special? The inner leaf aloe gel from an Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant is beneficial for humans and animals when consumed as a drink or when used as a topical product, so what exactly can aloe do to support your lifestyle?

Natural and nutritious

Aloe vera really is at the heart of my entire nutritional plan, looking at how it is grown and cultivated and ensuring it is of the highest quality possible is ideal. Let’s just say there is a lot of watered-down aloe on the market. I use aloe with a high aloe percentage it goes through a swift manufacturing process this makes all the difference in terms of how you feel and your results. That’s why I’ve been using Forever Aloe Vera Gel for years it is as close to the pure inner leaf gel found in the actual plant as you can get! This means the unique tasting gel is packed with properties and nutrients that support your skin, immune health, digestion, and overall wellbeing!

Aloe vera supports digestion

Digestion is an essential bodily process that takes place in the gut. The process involves the body breaking food down into other substances that are then absorbed into the bloodstream or distributed around the body. Our gut also plays a vital role in more than just nutrient absorption; it’s also connected to our immune system, mental health and general wellbeing. Taking care of your gut is essential to supporting a healthy lifestyle. Aloe is known for its cleansing and purifying properties, and Forever’s Aloe Vera Gel contains a staggering 99.7% inner leaf aloe vera gel, which has been lovingly extracted by hand so that you can experience the true power of this impressive plant.

Aloe is great for the skin

Aloe’s association with skin health is nothing new – legend tells us that Queen Cleopatra used aloe to keep her skin soft and beautiful – but years of studies conducted by Forever’s scientists and aloe specialists have identified how to create effective products that combine aloe with ingredients that maximise its skin-loving benefits. But it’s not just topical products that benefit skin health; tackle skin from the inside out with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe in a glass of Forever Aloe Vera Gel to support skin health, hair, and nails. Ask any lady how she feels when her hair and skin are looking great!!

Immune support

The best method for maintaining a healthy immune system is to keep yourself healthy by eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. A varied diet will ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs in order to stay healthy. Aloe is also known to support the function of the immune system, and promote health and wellbeing. In addition, Forever Aloe Vera Gel also contains vitamin C which contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Since aloe vera is good for the immune system and as a digestive aid, you’re going to want to consume an aloe drink that carries a high percentage; a higher percentage means a more powerful result. Forever Aloe Vera Gel is almost as pure as drinking aloe directly from the leaf containing 99.7% and Forever Aloe Berry Nectar and Forever Aloe Peaches follow close behind at 90.7% and 84.3%. These percentages really are impressive, but it just keeps getting better and better: each flavor also contains vitamin C, is free from preservatives and additives, and is housed in recyclable packaging that’s vacuum-sealed to keep all the pure goodness inside. As long as I’ve got my coconut water and aloe vera gel I’m good!!

No added preservatives

Forever Aloe Vera Gel’s formula is completely natural: stabilised aloe vera gel, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and citric acid (acidity regulator), and we love that it also has the added bonus of antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress as well as contributing to maintaining the normal function of skin, bones and the immune system. Vitamin C also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to normal psychological function.
What do you love most about aloe vera? Let me know in the comments below.

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